
Die Arbeitslosen #2

Most jobs require relevant work experience, and thousands of students graduate from college every year. Opportunities are for those ambitious graduates who have completed internships, visited top companies, and made influential friends at college. Every step they take prepares the way for decent...

Die Arbeitslosen #1

The title "Arbeitslosen" is a German word which means "the unemployed," plus the plural article "die." I prefer the German title to an English one because of its cool pronunciation and spelling. I want a word that begins with A, and I feel that "arbeitslos" contains more meanings than jobless or...

Boredom Threshold #3

What films are boring?   Watching a film on mute without captions is not necessarily boring. It depends on what kind of film you pick. A truly interesting film is always interesting no matter how you turn down the volume, while a totally boring film is always boring no matter how top-notch...

Boredom Threshold #2

What is ㄅㄆㄇㄈ?   "ㄅㄆㄇㄈ" are pronunciation symbols used in Taiwan, where most children learn them in kindergarten or in their first year of elementary school. If you want to type traditional Chinese characters, "ㄅㄆㄇㄈ" can help you type faster (or slower because the rule of "ㄅㄆㄇㄈ" is very...

Boredom Threshold #1

What is Boredom Threshold?   About half a year ago I learned "absolute threshold" and "difference threshold" from a psychology textbook. "Threshold" was a new word to me, so I looked up the word in my dictionary. According to the dictionary definition, "threshold" means "the level at which...