Boredom Threshold #1

Boredom Threshold #1

What is Boredom Threshold?


About half a year ago I learned "absolute threshold" and "difference threshold" from a psychology textbook. "Threshold" was a new word to me, so I looked up the word in my dictionary. According to the dictionary definition, "threshold" means "the level at which something starts to happen or have an effect." Lower on the same page I noticed another term "boredom threshold," which means "the ability to suffer a lot of boredom before you react to it."


That's where my idea comes from. I began to wonder how to measure one's "boredom threshold," and then I drew a rough sketch of a series of four-panel comics aimed at boring people. Note that data in these comics are merely my speculation, and that they haven't been scientifically proven. So just have fun, and enjoy being bored.